Essential components that anchor your web pages, providing navigation, information, and a polished finish to your site's design.
Footers are essential components that anchor the bottom of web pages, serving multiple important functions:
- Navigation: They often contain secondary navigation links, helping users find important pages quickly.
- Information: Footers typically display copyright notices, legal information, and contact details.
- Branding: They reinforce brand identity through logos, color schemes, and messaging.
- Social Media: Many footers include links to the organization's social media profiles.
- Site Map: Some footers provide a condensed site map for easy navigation.
In the FAO Design System, footers are designed to be clear, informative, and consistent across different types of pages, enhancing user experience and providing a polished finish to your site's design.
Footer Dashboard
The Footer Dashboard is an alternative footer design specifically tailored for use in applications and dashboards. It offers a more compact and streamlined approach compared to the standard website footer, focusing on essential information and functionality:
- Simplified Design: A clean, minimalist layout that doesn't distract from the main content of the application or dashboard.
- Essential Links: Provides quick access to important pages or sections, such as terms of service, privacy policy, or help documentation.
This footer variant is ideal for interfaces where space is at a premium and the focus should remain on the primary content and functionality of the application or dashboard.