FAO Design System uses a specific set of palettes to specify colors to provide a consistent look and feel for the products you build.
Main colors
The main color of the FAO Design System is a vibrant blue (#116AAB
). This color represents the organization's identity and is used
prominently throughout the design system.
The main color of the FAO Design System is a vibrant blue (#116AAB
). This color represents the organization's identity and is used
prominently throughout the design system.
It's applied to primary elements such as buttons, links, and other interactive components to create a cohesive and recognizable visual language.
This color represents the organization's identity and is used prominently throughout the design system.
rgb(17, 106, 171)
Primary Light
rgb(229, 236, 244)
Neutral Colors
Neutral colors are for text, background and border colors. You can use different neutral colors to represent the hierarchical structure.
Gray Dark
rgb(84, 84, 84)
Gray Medium
rgb(153, 153, 153)
Gray Light
rgb(242, 242, 242)
White FAO
rgb(127, 196, 253)
Other colors
Besides the main color, you need to use different scene colors in different scenarios (for example, dangerous color indicates dangerous operation).
rgb(245, 131, 32)
rgb(28, 71, 103)
rgb(152, 0, 0)
UN blue
rgb(87, 146, 202)
Background utilities
Background color utility classes provide an easy way to apply
predefined background colors to elements. These classes follow a
consistent naming convention, such as .bg-primary
, .bg-gray-light
, or .bg-white-fao
. By using these utility classes,
you can quickly style elements with the appropriate background
colors that match your design system, ensuring consistency across
your project.
Text utilities
Colorize text with color utilities. You can easily apply predefined
color styles using CSS classes such as .text-color-primary
, .text-color-gray-dark
, or .text-color-default
. These utility classes provide a quick and consistent way to
colorize text across your project.
Gray Dark
Gray Medium
Gray Light
White FAO
UN Blue